Friday, August 30, 2024

B-Movie Bomb's Boomer Bummer Summer: Dragnet (1987, spoilers)

 Ok, so...plans kinda suck when life kinda tells ya put the hobby on the back burner...and you can't get through an uneven parody movie that tries to say the 90's suck and that the 70's were more clean an innocent without knowing the truth and feeling like a railroad spike is going through your skull.

In the before time, I tried to do something called either “The Bummer Of Me,” which was a title spoof of MeTV's “The Summer Of Me,” or Boomer Bummer Summer with the idea that it would take summer (Not the whole summer, just various days) and look at an interesting phenomenon that happened in the 80's and 90's (Dying by the early 2000's), especially the 90's:

The Boomer Box Office.

Yes, believe it or not, back in the days of your parents (Or you if you're one) being kids, THEIR parents' childhood was adapted so Hollywood can squeeze out $5 per ticket and theaters can get a ton of popcorn just so they can recapture for 2 hours what took three or more seasons. Results...


Yeah, the general idea going in with most of these things, especially the sitcoms, were that they were gonna be lovab---respec---fun---verb we have yet to list parody. Sometimes, it was hit out of the park, be it The Beverly Hillbillies focusing more on fish out of water than even the TV show, but keeping the family loving and nice, or a A Very Brady Sequel, which actually WAS a loving parody of the original Nick At Nite generation. No, I didn't skip the original movie, the original movie felt like a railroad spike to the skull.

Most of the time, though, was miss. It wasn't just comedies that got the parody treatment, but man did they hurt. You guys saw the two trailers I posted, imagine 2 hours of your boomer parent (Or you if reading) going into a theater to see their childhood, only to spend it finding new ways to say “This isn't funny.” Action and drama got this treatment, too, like Charlie's Angels, where the running bit was “LOOK HOW HOT THESE WOMEN ARE!”

I mean, yeah, the network wasn't shy about that being the reason it was a ratings grabber, but they also showed the women could actually do what most men were doing in the same time spot. And since that's what got people, both boomers AND the next generation into the theaters, guess what was doubled down on? If you said the action, intrigued, and the possible mystery that one of 'em is Charlie's own daughter...

Hi, welcome to Hollywood.

So, I tried to do this with The Brady Bunch Movie...again, spike through skull, so that was a no. I couldn't find a copy of The Beverly Hillbillies, so that was a no go. So I decided something to ease both you and myself in, a movie that was basically for those my age the START of the Boomer Box Office craze, or at least the earliest I can remember, something I actually did enjoy, but had it's own share of problems that can be looked at and talked about.

Kinda puts some of the later ones in perspective if Dragnet is considered one of the easier ones, don't it?

Yeah, it maybe too late to do it as a WHOLE summer thing, but I'm gonna kick it off for later times (Or just go with “The Bummer Of Me” and hope people get the pun outside of summer) with what some might consider one of the better boomer adaptations. It did well at the box office, got praise from both Siskel & Ebert, AND was written by both Dan Aykroyd AND Alan Zweibel, both who worked together during the “Not Ready For Prime Time” era of Saturday Night Live to make it a loving tribute AND parody of the original show.

For those not in the know, Dragnet started as a radio play created by Jack Webb with the idea that it would show how the boys in the LAPD cleaned up the streets. When TVs were popping up, he moved the media to television, complete with a couple of movies that came out for both fans and newcomers, and became one of the landmark cop dramas in history. If you ever heard phrases like “My name's Friday, I carry a badge” or “Just the facts, ma'am,” it came from here (Ok, the facts line was from a parody, but still it's linked to the show). The cops loved it so much, they even backed up and praised it, even having an advisor on set.

Yes, once upon a time, the LAPD was actually trusted and not what it is today. History's weird.

Considering there's multiple versions, including one in the 2000's that stared Ed O'Neil (You laugh, but he does drama just as good as comedy), can an 80's version wor---

...let's just look at it.

So the movie opens with Joe Friday's nephew...Joe Friday (Dan Aykroyd) doing a parody of the “This is the city” narration, showing things like landmarks, churches, punks, and we get the traditional theme song associated with the show. So far, so good. It then goes to a more traditional opening, showing Friday's badge and doing a pretty decent party version of the original theme song with quotes from the original.

Ok, gets a bit obnoxious when it goes into “just the fact---j-j-j-j...” but it's not bad...then we get to the brick joke.

A narrator tells us that this is based on a true story...though not really since this is a parody, but it was in the show, so...anyway, said narrator says names and such have been changed to protect the innocent, saying, for example, “George Baker” is now called “Silvia Wiss.” Pay attention, it comes back later.

We jump to a group of people, lead by a giant of a man named Muzz (Jack O'Halloran) setting fire to a shipment of Playboy knock offs known as “Bait,” complete with telling a security guard to tell his boss that the publisher's out of business...after knocking him out so he won't hear it anyway. Or maybe it comes out “He're...soft...on taxes?” when he wakes up. He then also leaves a card that reads P.A.G.A.N.

And if you think THAT'S subtle, wait until we meet the villain.

We then jump to Friday narrating part of his day, namely that while methods have changed, crime has not as we see a newspaper showing...the image of the knocked out guard still on the cement? Really? NOBODY moved him to the hospital? The EMTs actually told the papers “Ok, guys, 10 more minutes or he'll be brain dead, no flash?”

Capt. Gannon (Harry Morgan) informs Friday that his partner quit and opened up a goat farm, causing Friday to complain that his partner isn't thinking about the people of L.A., thus it's time to get a new partner. Enter Pep Streebeck (Tom Hanks) so fresh from undercover, you can smell the wino from the guy he bunked with in the alley. I'll get this out of the way now, they get the whole “This guy, ugh” out of the way early.

Yeah, in most movies, that's the bulk of the plot, but this gets done within the first act. They still snap at each other, but trust each other a LOT sooner than later.

How do they screw this up?

Well, the main joke is that the original Friday was this stuff shirt narc that would sooner lecture a kid on pot than turn him in...and STILL give the lecture even after turning him in, so what we got here is a self righteous rant on why going slow ON THE L.A. HIGHWAY would actually save gas for the L.A. tax payer. THIS is what goes on for the majority of the movie. I'd say “God help us all,” but you're gonna find out how much of a pun that becomes given the villain.

The first part of the case takes the two to the zoo, where we get a bit of good banter between Friday, who loves the Zoo, and Streebeck, who views it more as a prison. This is one of the best scenes of the movie as it shows Hanks and Aykroyd's chemistry very well, and has one of my favorite jokes in the whole movie.

It's kind of an interesting dynamic, Friday's in what people think of when they think Dragnet, while Streebeck is in a modern cop movie.

Streebeck and Friday get the orders to investigate the guy who's making the porno mags to see why this P.E.G.A.N. group would wanna burn an entire warehouse down (After a joke mistaking them for vibrator repair with Friday having a great delivery), with Friday clearly pissed that the rag, ran by Jerry Caesar (Danby Colby) is able to put such stuff out. Remember, he's a parody of the original show so...yeah, he's the one in the family that really wants the 50's back.

As he gives his statement, including the P.E.G.A.N. manifesto they dropped off, we run into Silvia Wiss...and we have the brick joke that doesn't exactly hold up by today's standards.

See...the implication is they did a gender swap, the whole “Names and faces have been changed” thing...which means Friday is on a hateful tirade...on a gay porno mag...I'm not sure this was on purpose as this was more to have the joke when Wiss (Julia Jennings) was to flash Friday and be subtle on the whole “Frisk me” thing and Friday not getting it...kinda (Again, Friday's reaction is HILARIOUS), but, the rest? Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...

After we see people steal the guys' car because Streebeck left the keys in (And getting a new one), Friday and Streebeck are called to the train station as a ton of chemicals from a tank in the train yard were siphoned out of said tank. Hope it was sophisticated, or that dude with the pipe is having a really good high. We also see a moment where Friday and Streeback see the local televangelist, Rev. Whirley (Christopher Plumer) and he's interviewing the commissioner, Kirkpatrick (Elizabeth Ashley). If you already knew where this was going, you've not only seen it before with other movies, but grew up in the era where these guys grew like weeds.

For those born after or too young to remember, Televangelism was the evolution of hearing church on the radio, only now a wider group with a visual medium could be reach. But for every one that legit tried to save your soul and help people, you had AT LEAST FIVE who wanted your money for coked up yacht party with their mistress (Or cabin boy depending on who got busted). Hell, the movement he's using for a cover is called the Moral Advanced Movement of America.

Yep. MAMA. Oh, and when you hear what P.E.G.A.N. means, you're REALLY gonna miss when it was subtle.

The team then gets called to a motel when the landlady reveals that the Muzz went off with a wedding dress of her's and tossed Muzz's stuff in the trash, including possible evidence, due to him being a tenant behind on rent...also, the dress thing. They catch up to the garbage truck with it and find a photo with a number, revealing Muzz is actually Jerry's driver and is at the docs, waiting for his boss to get off his personal yacht.

They find him, and Buzz high tails it (After running over Friday's foot) and Friday and Streebeck argue over calling backup or not...while Muzz is driving on the parts of the docks people use to walk. Our heroes, everybody! Eventually, they all crash into a lifeguard tower on a nearby beach...and this is enough to actually make Friday and Streebeck get the whole “Hate you thing” gone.

See? All you need to do to break in the new partner is to help nearly cause mass accidents and hit and runs, it's a good icebreaker.

However, there's also a bit of a hint that this version of Friday is not that innocent, as when Friday heads out to get Streebeck some coffee, he hears Muzz in pain...moments after a scene that implies Streebeck smashed his junk with a desk drawer. Remember, the LAPD was happy with how the original show represented them. Streebeck manages to get SOME things out of Muzz, but he refuses when Joe comes back to say anything else...until the implication that when he goes out for snacks, it's the drawer again.

I've looked on Wikipedia and TV Tropes, I can only find that the cops backed the TV show, even giving Friday a real badge and retiring the number, 714, when Webb died. The main reason cops backed the original show is that it made 'em look good, even in moments that would've resulted in things like a police chase or dealing with a bad cop (Mainly because bad cops got punished). Here, our heroes are bickering, violate the whole “Get back up” because one of 'em wanted the collar, condescending to the people he's supposed to protect, AND implies that beyond that, he's BETTER than the people he's supposed to protect.

I get that the people who worked on this thing were fans of the show, especially Aykroyd, but I suspect there's a reason I can't find anything about police supervising this thing beyond “Universal paid enough money for permission.”

Friday and Streebeck go to get some undercover gear once they get more info to make 'em look like punks...namely Friday looks like a giant chicken with more flair than a 90's TGI Fridays, and Streebeck looks like he just stepped out of a drama where the son of the Italian family wants to be a dancer and mama is ashamed.

Their original plan was to go to where Muzz said the ceremony was gonna be and it looks like their cover was gonna be blown by the highway patrol...until the two fake cops fall for the disguises and our heroes confirm that the car said fake cops were driving is on the list of stolen cars. What? Alter or hide the numbers on the car so nobody can trace it back? Nuts to that, we got a party written by people who think this is how punks party to go to!

It all leads up to the reveal of P.E.G.A.N means. People Against Goodness And Normalcy. Get it? I'm sure it was because Being Against Decency Growing Up YuppieS would've been too subtle.

Hey, if they're not gonna try, why should I?

It's eventually revealed by their leader that this was all to offer up a virgin sacrifice, The Virgin Connie Swail (Alexandrea Paul), along with all the stuff that's been stolen from the zoo and the dress Muzz stole. We already know who the villain is thanks to both time and...well, by this...uh...time, televangelists were fair game, so I don't think I'm spoiling when I say...dear God, it's obvious that Plumer had fun with this!

Friday and Streebeck dive in only to find the sacrifice was made to feed the giant snake that was taken from the zoo. And...yeah, this is where I think the budget had to go hold it as it's kind obvious that Hanks, Aykryod, and Paul had to pull a “Look like the starship bridge is shaking” as they actually have to move THEMSELVES to make it look like the snake is attacking. Guess all the money had to go to them Fords...despite the fact that they probably had to keep 'em moving even more than the snake.


Streebeck's solution? Get the drugs he took from some P.E.G.A.N. earlier and OD'd the thing. They all get out, only to be blocked by a bunch of P.E.G.A.N.s...until Streebeck starts shooting into the air, scaring everybody. This is when, of course, thanks to Swail knocking off the mask, it's revealed that Whirly is the leader before he runs away. They get out, even retaking their original car, with hints that Swail is falling for Friday...much to Streebeck's (And the audience's) amazement. They drop her off at home...mainly because if they take her right to the station, we can't get the following without a huge plot hole.

Well...a bigger one than “Leave victim with no protection, she'll be fine,” anyway.

Namely, they wake up Capt. Gannon and tell him what happened...but because the plot said they had to get rid of The Virgin Connie Swail so Gannon wouldn't believe their story since she's a witness AND the victim...Captain Gannon doesn't believe their story because they showed up without The Virgin Connie Swail, a witness AND the victim. They get Kirkpatrick...but see that they were to able SOMEHOW clear out stuff in a manner of hours that should've taken at least two days to do it.

Unless stuff like the Jumbo-tron and the Time Square TV screen were made of Legos, then never mind.

Because of this, Friday and Streeback were kicked off the case, complete with Gannon reaming Friday for everything that's happened, even saying Joe would NOT approve.

Well, Joe didn't really say “Just the facts, ma'am,” so....

No, seriously, that was done in a parody that SOMEHOW got merged with the actual franchise.

So, you would think the P.E.G.A.N. group would leave well enough alone with Friday and Streebeck off the case...except Muzz decided to blow up the car, thus putting them back ON THE CASE! The only other time I'd see somebody over complicate their job this bad is when The Final Destination says Death Home Alones the job on purpose. Streebeck tells Friday that the chemicals taken is linked to a lab his old team in narcotics was trying to bust, thus Friday goes to meet him there...only to be mugged by three hoodlums...only for them to get their ass kicked BY Friday.

Don't mess with the Christian Science Reading Room, man!

Well, turns out Streebeck was late because somebody had to get the LAPD BATTERING RAM TANK to break in and knock everything over...only to find it's all milk. And...yeah, let's be honest, can't make a joke here considering what most modern police have these days. Though, I admit, having “Have a Nice Day” on the ram part is still funny.

After the two leave, they miss that the milk company actually WAS a front for a chemical plant, but better than hiding it. On the way back, Streebeck watches via his watch TV (Which actually WAS a real product around the time), namely the commissioner and Whirly are trying to push the current mayor out,..and that the comish has a crush on the reverend. It's hear that it's revealed that Jerry has decided to actually donate to MAMA's charity and they accept. Hey, if Oral Roberts can say a dog track can donate...after saying God'll break his thumbs...

Streebeck wants to know more about Friday, but Friday tells him to blow Streebeck takes his bike to follow him to a perfectly normal house...that he thinks is the Freddy Kruger house...

I know Tom Hanks did comedy once...just where is it?

Only to reveal it's the home of Friday's grandma (Lenka Peterson) and...Friday is back to hating Streebeck as Friday's grandma invites them to their outing, ignoring the obvious “I don't want you here” looks Friday gives Streebeck.

Talking down to the people you were sworn to protect, both you and the suspect putting people at risk in a car chase, having the boss not believe you despite the fact you have a witness/victim that you don't ask, destroying a business on the word of somebody who wanted a $20 with a battering ram the department spent tax payer money on, a partner that doesn't get “Off the clock, personal space,” I bet the LAPD LOVED how the 1987 version of a classic portrayed 'em just like they did with the original! I'm sure there's a whole 'nother reason I can't find anything that says cops supported or had anybody supervising on set! Surely!

Well, just as Friday relaxes and let's the party be a party, the commissioner and Whirly show up and The Virgin Connie Swail recognizes him from when she yoinked off his P.A.G.A.N. mask. Friday, actually doing his job, goes to arrest him on the grounds that The Virgin Connie Swail will identify him in a court of law. Streebeck, also being a cop due to Whirly's standing in the city (And with the commissioner) warns Friday you just can't go and do that in a public Friday goes to arrest the guy in a public place...uh, after the guy uses the rest room and Friday makes a big speech out of it, of course.

Ah, but he doesn't let the reverend wash his hands, take THAT criminals!

Well, it turns out not only was the padre out with the commissioner, but Gannon as well and they just spotted Friday yoinking the guy off in cuffs. This causes Friday to get fired by the commissioner while Gannon...

And I need to remind you guys, the victim/witness, The Virgin Connie Swail is right there for him to ask thus putting both the commissioner AND Whirly on the spot.

...just let's it happen. Boy, I can't wait to see what LAPD higher ups in 1987 praised what a good job they did representing the boss! The priest and commissioner drive off, and you would think this would be a good time for Gannon to talk to The Virgin Connie Swail to confirm the story of not only one of the best detectives in his precinct, but the nephew of his long time trusted partner that was inspired by said partner.

NOPE! Turn in badge, gun, and ream him for doing his job! God, I really can't wait to find the glowing praise the LAPD had for this thing!

Date not completely ruined, while Streebeck takes grandma for chilly dogs, Friday takes The Virgin Connie Swail up to the Hollywood sign for shenanigans....

Considering this is a parody of Joe Friday, my guess is his position is The Plank.

...when Muzz shows up and flips the Yugo upside down. With Friday literally out of the picture for this bit, the narration gets taken over by Streebek. Concluding that Friday wouldn't spring for a No-tel Motel and having sex in a Yugo is impossible...

Ok, that's funny.

...he goes to Gannon with his concerns...and Gannon doesn't care. Yes, the nephew of your best partner and late best friend is missing AND a former detective...and you can care less! Man, I REALLY bet the LAPD loved how this treated 'em like they did the original! We then see Jerry and Whirly meet, confirming they're in this for the money; namely after they force the current mayor out and put the commissioner in, they'll split control between the horn dogs (Jerry) and those that wanna fund the new mans---I mean “Crusade” (Whirly).

Considering real life televangelists did things from implying God'll break their thumbs (Then taking money from the dog track) to doing blow on the back of their secretaries/pool boys/mistresses off their boats...yeah, this guy's kinda tame.

Oop, take that back, just confirmed with the commissioner he's gonna kill him. Ok, he made that one extra step.

Back in the LAPD offices, Streebeck figures out Muzz's picture from earlier is from Muscle Beach as he goes to it and catches him weight lifting...while pointing a gun at Muzz's face while Muzz is lifting said weights to ask about Friday.

And now pointing guns at unarmed men out in public in front of witnesses, surely the cops REALLY LOVED THIS MOVIE.

Apparently, it takes the entire day to go from Muscle Beach to Griffith Observatory, as it's suddenly the middle of the night and Whirly pops up to Friday and Connie, who are tied up to gloat. Wait, isn't that a tourist area? What happened? Was there a tour that popped up and said “And to your right, hostages of the local televangelists?”

Whirly takes The Virgin Connie Swail and leaves Friday to die just as soon as Streebeck pulls in. He frees Friday and they go to Caesar's palace...

Ha, ha, ha.

..only for Streebeck to try to calm him down, reminding Friday that he's not a cop anymore and to just call him Pep since they're buddies. He sneaks in (While Friday fumes) and sees the P.A.G.A.N.s have the gas they stole hooked up and ready to go, so he knocks out the guy in the communications truck and calls Gannon who looks like he's about to blow a gas---

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND we jump back to the mansion! Yeah...if you were waiting for a pay off to the whole driving him nuts thing...I guess it got cut...

Muzz and the other goons (With Pep in disguise) return the magazines they stole earlier and Whirly, leaving for his private jet, helps gets the fire started as said magazines were covered in gasoline. Thankfully, the cops show up a minute later and starts a shoot out that has them on even footing...until the battering ram tank shows up and knocks down the gates! The bad guys' solution...shoot the heavily armored tank with the battering ram.


Yeah, if that didn't work on Godzilla...

The tank drives over the burning books, knocks out the thugs, and reveals none other than an armed Joe Friday behind the wheel! Now the LAPD is letting civilians pilot their heaviest toys, love that representation! Friday rescuse Streebeck from Muzz, even calling him Pep, with Gannon saying the two did a great job with this raid...where a CIVILIAN HAD THE TANK! Oh, and Pep raps the Miranda Rights to Muzz.

Eh, not gonna be the last time.

If you ever said to yourself Joe Vs. The Volcano should've been a rap battle, I'm glad I put that idea to rest.

But before Friday and Pep can get The Virgin Connie Swail from Whirly, Gannon gives Friday his badge back saying he didn't have the heart to turn it in. I guess retcons work for the law now, huh? Because the whole “Being in love” thing is both new AND giving Friday a rush, he recklessly drives down the road to try to race to the airport before Whirly can get away! Hey, the LAPD should at least be happy with this! After all, he left the siren on!

Meanwhile, the commissioner wins the idiot of the movie award as she tries to convince Whirly to let the Virgin Connie Swail go...only to have the Reverend himself disbelieving she's a dumb ass as he shuts the door to the plane and takes off with Swail inside. So, yeah, all that driving Friday did was pointless as the plane takes off and it appears Whirly wins...

...until later that morning, when Friday shows up in the AUTHORIZED BUT DOES NOT REALLY EXIST BECAUSE THE LEGAL NIGHTMARES LAPD TALON! Yeah, either LA is way bigger than anybody thought, boarders are VERY generous when it comes to other states' cops, districts are just arbitrary, or this was just here for gags. Either way, since a private jet is armed with jack and squat, Whirly lands and Friday gets the girl

We then, like the show, hear the fate of Whirly: He is to serve 43 consecutive 99 year sentences.

Meaning he'll be up to be out in 7.

Boy, I'm sure the legal system loved being just as represented as the LAPD did!

The movie ends with Pep and Friday back on the beat and the pay off to the whole Virgi---well, watch.

Yeah, there's a reason I joined in with repeating the gag, that punchline is still funny. Just...I wish the rest of this movie was just as.

Ok, let's get this out of the way: Yes, this was done in a loving way to the original franchise. Everybody who worked on this thing loved the original show and the man behind it, Jack Webb, and this was all done in good jest. I've seen movies where the parody was a middle finger to the original property or pulled a “Look, we think it's stupid too, but still love it” uneven writing and this doesn't have that problem.

The writing of the movie itself on the other hand...

It makes sense if Friday was the parody of what came before and Streebeck was the parody of where the cop genre was heading at the time. When you factor in characters like Riggs in Lethal Weapon, Streebeck being the parody of a modern cop movie character makes sense while Friday's parody of the originator does to. The problem, if you can't tell from the jabs I'm taking in that I couldn't find one thing that said the cops love this, is that this makes for watching bad cops...under the Dragnet banner.

If either of these to did anything, at least at the time, like they did here in real life, their badges would've been forfeit long ago. Talking down to civilians, public destruction, POINTING A GUN AT AN UNARMED MAN YOU HAVE YET TO CHARGE OR SEE IF HE IS DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, and so on. The original Dragnet was made to counter this so, parody or not, seeing cops doing everything from risking lives to torture under the name doesn't exactly make for compelling viewing.

Then there's the gags themselves. A few of them were funny, but most of them fell flatter than Friday's delivery. Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd were considered to be the top of their games in the comedy department around this time, but...


Maybe if this was just a straight up 50's parody or a straight up modern version of Dragnet, it would've worked. Hanks would a decade or so later break out into the drama department, Aykroyd would also a few years later, it probably could've worked. But...yeah, take it or leave it. While this was done with a little bit of love in their hearts, the execution was an arrestable offense.

FINAL VERDICT: For humor that falls flat, stuff I'm “SURE” the cops are proud to have here in a franchise they once sponsored, heroes that are anything but half the time, but bonus points for it being a loving tribute and having a couple of gags, this movie gets a MST3K B-MOVIE BOMB! Fun to rift with, not to eat.

Now if you'll excuse me, this generation of P.E.G.A.N.s hired me through Instacart, so I gotta fill out this list. Ok, that's milk, eggs, 40 pounds of meat, and....HEY, DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHERE I CAN GET A RABBID GOAT, A BLUE TUX, AND 63 POUNDS OF... (Double checks list) MIAK? I didn't think it was even in this season.

Monday, October 9, 2023

B-Movie Bomb: King Arthur And the Knights of the Round Table (Spoilers)

 So...been awhile huh?

Yeah, I got no excuse, real life just got in the way...and when I tried reviewing The Brady Bunch Movie my brain had the natural reaction of having my teeth pulled by a rusty tool covered in salt.

So...yeah, real life and trying to force myself into watching a movie more painful than a nail to the skull didn't make for a good combo. But, hey, maybe I just need a vacation to get the last of the cobwebs out, just something to refresh my mind. But where to go...

Yeah, let that slightly...interesting...cover of the song hammer the joke that I'm doing the mockbuster of Guy Richie's King Arthur, The Asylum's King Arthur And the Knights of the Round Table, aka, making your company vacation a business expense!

Yes, our favorite studio that has done everything, from starting a whole faith based sub-division to cash in on Disney to make an entire franchise out of the stupidest thing you can think of, actually found enough quarters in the couch to film outside of the US! I kid, more than likely, they all wanted a vacation and wrote this project to write it off as a “Business expense.”

Gotta love loopholes!

Regardless of why they did it, the reality is that, around the time, their King Arthur was thought of/made, the studio was riding high off of the success of both their TV series, Z-Nation (A light hearted take on The Walking Dead that rejuvenated SyFy's TV division) and the Sharknado movies, with the 3rd one, Oh, Hell No, out and the fourth, The Fourth Awakens, on the way. So, it's nice to know that while they write off the vacation as a “Job,” they can afford the “Vacation.” And this half joke is also a half guess, as I can't find ANY reason outside of the plot that this is in Thailand and the storyline reason isn't expanded beyond “Moved here.”

And considering how cheap these guys are, can you blame me for thinking this?

So, the movie opens with stock footage of a castle and knights before going into some warehouse made to look like a...I mean a “Very authentic just don't look at the fake dirt floor very real real cave” where King Arthur (Bryon Gibson) is holding the line! Not sure how a cave under your castle says “Hold the line” more than “Hide this is in some warehouse,” but ok. It looks bad for our king, as Morgana (Sara Malakul Lane) and her son, Mordred (Russel Geoffrey Banks), have Arthur and his cannon fod---I mean “Knights” blocked in a cave and orders Merlin (Harold Diamond) to end the threat with a bold of lightning!

Well, turns out this cave looking thing is really the throne room...with no round table and stalagmites that say it's a cave set...and with Morgana and Mordred forced to answer for their crimes. Namely, Morgana did her magic thing by making EVERYTHING that can give birth, plants included, not.

Hey, don't look at me like that, the exposition Arthur dumped said it.

So, their punishment: IMMORTALITY! That's right, you wreck some shit, you get to live forever! Morgana tries one more time to kill the king, but Merlin steps in and shenanigans results in all of magic being tied to Excalibur.

...wait...isn't that already the case considering...

D'OH! Trying to think about an Asylum movie, what was I thinking!?

Well, this is enough to cause Arthur to force her and her kid on the throne and turn said throne into a stone rocket and launch them IN...SPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the cheapest CGI way possible! Hey, all the money wen to the company vacat---I mean “Set location.” Sure enough, we jump 1500 years later to the vacat---”Location of new Camelot,” Thailand!'d the magic get to Thailand?

And I looked. It was limited, but the sources I found said that yes, the Asylum, a studio notorious for using their own backyard to shoot something, actually went to Thailand. Again, there's a reason I joked about saving all the couch change.

And hope you like those 4K TV displays that say “Around the World in 4K,” 'cause the Asylum plays the Hell out of the stock footage to let you know you're in Thailand! Just in case you missed it, here's Bangkok 12 more times! We then jump to a dojo where our hero, Penn (Eoin O'Brien), and girlfriend, Jenna (Kelly B. Jones) training for the local theme park stunt sh---I mean “The big family tournament” coming up! Yes, that time of the year where the 100% possibly not definitely most assured isn't is decedents of Arthur and his knights show up to kick their own asses!

I say that because even THEY'RE not sure and the only relative that says they are is the crazy one that keeps saying “This one time, I kicked a dragon's ass...” Don't ya just love it when family linage is this?

After he pops the question, we jump to the sounds of a spaceship landing on Earth holding the gruesome twosome, Morgana and Mordred! And if you think this means we're gonna get something as awesomely stupid as Arthur's family vs. Morgana's aliens...

The two wonder why Earth hasn't had it's ass kicked yet, but it turns out it's because the magic is still here and Merlin hid it!

Great! Why's the magic in Thailand?

She vows to get the magic the sword shielded back just hit me that if magic still being here is why the aliens haven't beaten us yet, what was the point of her ALIEN TRAINING!?

Wait, wait, overthinking an Asylum movie...meaning I was thinking.

Jump to the next day and the decedent of Merlin, Elaine (Asia Marie Burnett) is giving Penn a massage to work on his dinged shoulder and dump more awkward exposition about how this is the first time they talked in 5 years. Meaning this family reunion is taking place already in an area where the family of the knights already lived.

Great! Why'd they all move to Thailand?

After being taken back to the reunion by Gunner (John Nutt), the guy who says they're related to Arthur and the knights, we see Elaine is in a bit of pain herself. Not to worry, she has the...Holy Grail in the safe to heal herself?

Ok, first, you with the Monty Python poster,

Second, I thought all magic was stored in Excalibur, how'd this happen?

Follow up, why's the magic in Thailand?

She's healed up just in time for an entire soccer team of cannon fodder show up JUST BEFORE Morgana and Mordred do, bondage gear and all! Fun fact, this was directed by the then boyfriend of the woman who played Morgana. Gee, I wonder why she was given the skimpy outfit. While this is going on, everybody two female family members fight until a winner was declared...and said winner said she'll keep her mouth shut because if her parole officer heard about this, he'd flip... did you get the ok to be in Thailand?

Wait, wait, Asylum, don't think.

All's fun and games until Lucas (Alexander Winters) shows up and spoils the fun. Turns out he had a thing with Penn's now fiancee...and he's not let go as he's left her 15 voice mails since arriving!

...hold up...I know family spreads around the globe over time, but...this Taiwanese dojo is looking a little pale, and I don't mean from the sun. So, this means a huge chunk of the family is coming TO Thailand...

Great! Why are they in Thailand?

Lucas gives Penn the bad news, that he's not promoted in his unit and he reports DIRECTLY to Lucas first thing when the leave is over and they get back! It's the military, what the Hell do ethics and the ability to depend on your commanding officer not kicking your butt or leaving you to die over an issue have to do with anything? The anger is enough to boil over to declare it's time for another match with the family as they get out the kendo sticks! Ah, yes, give two people with such deep issues that it's implied to impact the military weapons, this can only be a good thing!

Penn, our hero, gets two weapons vs. Lucas's one, but that's ok because Lucas decides following the rules of combat is for losers and just punches and kicks his way to victory for the House of Lancelot!

Gee, I wonder who Penn's the decedent of and why this is over a woman, this is so subtle from the Asylum!

We then jump back to the parlor, where Morgana takes control of the soccer team via magic tinfoil just as Elaine gets out the grail, which actually Morgana mistakes for the sword due to the energies it gives out! Again, I thought all magic was in the sword. Anyway, Morgana then launches a ball of death to follow Elaine as she runs to the family dojo only to have the ball of death cook her nines.

...I thought they said aliens couldn't beat Earth because the magic is still here. It seems the alien training is actually doing fine in the “Take control and kick our ass” department.

...wait, hold up...Morgana just implied that her son relies too much on tech and is...gonna try some magic? Wait, I thought the sword stored all her mag---

Right, right, thinking again.

Elaine dies, but gets out “Find my sister” before she does and gives them the grail. We jump to sometime later, after the cops and such investigate so that's it for Elaine, where Gunner has the grail in his hands and recites the poem that Elaine also said before she died, namely it's the grail that can unsheathe the sword as both sides can bring salvation and damnation. Apparently, despite being cousins and a huge chunk of the family being into the Author stuff, they were unaware that she was connected to Merlin.

But that's not important, let's hear how the cup makes all the men in the movie tingle! The men, and two of the women, talk about what happened and it turns out Gunner knows a thing or two about middle age archaeology and goes to try to study it, but makes it clear that he doesn't trust the internet because, unless it's pen to paper, it's not historically accurate.

This is because one of our heroes wanted to look up the name of Elaine's sister and he said, well, what I just typed in response.

Meanwhile, Morgana zombifies the soccer team into Mordred's army to get the grail back! This is either a joke to remind you that her magic is supposed to be gone, OR a joke about for something where the implication is magic is protecting us...but the alien training is STILL doing a good job kicking our asses. I don't think the writers care enough for me TO care enough.

Back to the Arthurian Taiwanese Dojo, and Penn lashes out at everybody, ready to tell his whole family to go to Hell over everything. Good to know it's not just the fact that his commanding officer hates his guts for taking his ex that has me worried about giving ANYBODY in this family a gun or a command. And...ok, by taking control of the soccer team, I apparently mean one guy as he and Mordred storm the dojo and when the family hear's he's hunting for the cup that a family member died over...they joke about him being on drugs and in S&M gear.

Nice to see family means so much to these people.

Pleasantries out of the way, it's time for the latest practice for the local 4H fair stunt sh---I mean the “Incredibly choreographed fight that in no way looks like a bunch of rank armatures were staging something after the camera man spun himself like he was getting ready for a t-ball game.” A few reject power ranger moves later, they kill the zombie and are ready to go after Mordred...who then wipes the floor with them while the camera man looks like he's on the Poseidon just as the wave was coming until they all finally work together to pin him...and give him a chance to exposit on how the zombie was made. After spitting out who he is, Mordred then says he's mainly here for redemption vs. his mom, who's there for revenge...and don't ask me where this comes from, I'm a wrestling fan and this face turn is even random for me. Cops then show up at Elaine's business only for them to wind up zapped by the tin-foil of magic to become more members of Morgana's zombie army. Again, for the implication that Earth's magic is protecting us from alien stuff, it's doing a bad job against alien stuff.

I guess it has to have a HUMAN behind the alien stuff.

Back with Penn and family as they take the family jeep down some streets and...

Only the Asylum can take a location like Bangkok and make it feel like whenever they filmed at either the backyard or the park 6 blocks away from the studio.

...argue with each other again at Gunner's house, which Penn says he'll give the guy an hour to try to prove everything. If you're wondering about just looking up stuff on the internet to save time, remember, if it ain't pen to paper, it's bullshit according to Gunner. Oh, and the kicker? We find out (After Penn and Lucas get into ANOTHER fight) that this is also because Gunner lives the authentic medieval lifestyle.

In a mansion.

In Thailand.

Thankfully, though, Gunner is not stupid enough to forget time is wasting and actually gets Jenna to use the internet to find Elaine's sister, Krista...because she has the same middle name as Elaine's last!'s ironic this movie has the “Internet can do magic” plot...

Speaking of Krista, she (Elidh MacQueen) goes to investigate the dojo while Lucas goes off and practices for when he has to do the stunt show for the local county fai---I mean “Swing the important weapons around for reasons other than the director said pad out the movie!” We then jump to...I think Georgina (Tanja Keller, if it is), I don't remember hearing her name even once...talking to Mordred about the family, namely she is glad to hear she's related to one of the knights after all. He knows this simply because the glove in her hands, Mordred's, said so as we get exposition about aliens and he doesn't know that he's human anym---

Does this matter? We're not gonna get aliens in this thing, anyway.

This causes to Mordred to dive into Georgina's(?) personal issues, leading him to saying if she uses the glove on him, she can learn everything about him since he can't use it on himself for...reasons. She does so as the alien tech uploads into her brain and just drives her to touch him like he said and this was all to...have Mordred try to confirm if he has a soul? What?

No, really, where the Hell did this come from? I feel like we're missing a movie, here.

Meanwhile, our white...Thailand...medieval...dude...translates for Penn that it means they're gonna fight a dragon as it turns out the sister they're all looking for is in the astro-institute of Thailand...the whole time...without the family knowing who she is.

Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why did the knights move to Thailand?

But Morgana finds 'em right after that, causing her to...flicker the lights like the first grade class won't shut up, oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The rest of her undead horde start attacking...

Glad at least SOMEBODY can see the fight in this dark thing.

And if you do see this and don't like the dark, don't worry! It starts to strobe after a bit. Off, on, off, on, head, ache, head, ache.

For crying out loud, you would think EVEN a studio like the Asylum wouldn't make Thailand look so dirt cheap, and yet the Asylum is THAT inept, especially in 2017.

Things look bad when Penn gets stabbed, but that's until Krista shows up guns a blazzin' and rescuing them, causing Gunner to ask how she was able to find them. Gee...I don't know...a white guy living in one of the biggest mansions in Thailand, trying to live an Eastern Medieval lifestyle? Maybe she went to the OTHER white guy living in one of the biggest mansions in Thailand trying to live an Eastern Medieval lifestyle. THERE'S SO MANY! So, after having Penn drink from the grail, Krista reveals her back story and, clunky story (Including saying the cops told her where they are) short, she was adopted by Elaine's family and when she learned about the grail, she wanted to use it to heal...Elaine wanted to use it for money. Well, turns out her family leaned on the side of the sister that wanted to heal, so she jacked the grail and made the fortune off of it until the whole thing with a bubble in her head.

You hear that kids, greed means immortal human aliens will kill you!

It turns out between Morgana being sent to orbit and now, the grail SOMEHOW turned into the Holy Grail and with Penn healed, they're off to Krista's home, New Camelot.

Great! Why's it in Thailand?

They head over to the random building the scouts found to be this New Camelot and it turns out it's armed to the teeth as there's guns, guns, and more Arthurian guns! So, it turns out to keep the sword hidden, Merlin melted it down and turned it into the grail, changing it's properties to be more healing based as it was passed down from his family line to where it is now.

Great! Why are they in Thailand?

Now the plan is to turn the grail back into the sword and get ready to kill Morgana with it!

And the guns. The lots of guns.

Well, now we have a new problem, as it turns out the sword can only go to the one with the strongest link to Arthur's bloodline...and if you've been paying attention to PENN's name, you can guess better than these morons who it is, because Gunner jumps in and goes “ME! ME! I DID THE LARPING! I GOT A MANSION FROM BEING SMRT ABOUT THIS STUFF! I EVEN LIVE A EUROPIAN LIFESTYLE IN AN ASIAN COUNTRY! ME, ME, ME” to try to claim it.

I am not even kidding, he even says “I've devoted my whole life to this,” even with Penn revealing that his ancestry said his link was to one of the other knights, which Gunner had this look of “Oh, you totally 100% are not absolutely linked to something I intentionally did not rig to make me not look more awesome than I already am.” Sure enough, as soon as he puts his hand in the magic pot, the magic pot shows Gunner is full of shit as it starts burning his hand in searing pain. Gunner, because he's that LARP guy that we all know would go nuts and not shut up if he was revealed to have medieval blood, refuses to let go...until his arm looks less like an arm and more like a project made out of meatloaf.

Morgana shows up with Lucas ready to shoot...only for Morgana to have her Dalek shield up and running, taking out Lucas.

Again, for an implication of being protected by magic, the alien stuff seems to be doing fine kicking our ass.

Everybody else tries to stop her, except Mordred gets a shot in the nuts, the one lady I can't identify gets KO'd with Lucas, and Gunner gets gutted. Penn, who managed to get the sword from the gold...

It's The Asylum, they somehow made Thailand look like they filmed in the park six blocks away, remember?

...and runs Excalibur through Morgana! And...Oh God, I can't believe what I'm about to type...this is enough to actually cause her to grow into a giant alien robot mecha thing and starts rampaging through Bangkok, breathing fire because...well, nothing says dragon like giant alien robot that was once human because magic sci-fi thing.

After trying to blow it up with a bazooka didn't work, Penn figures he has to climb the giant robot not a dragon but is supposed to be a dragon Morgana thing to try to remove the sword because, get this, the magic is now POWERING UP THE SCI-FI MYSTICAL ALIEN DRAGON BY METAPHORE THING. Considering this was the year of a later Sharknado, you'd think I'd be having fun with what I'm describing, but 2017 was one of the last years the Asylum took everything BUT Sharknado as serious as a heartattack, meaning while one is stupid for the right reasons, this thing is stupid for the WRONG reasons.

Penn pulls the sword from the Morgana-bot...

...yeah... Mordred knocks out Georgina(?) from incoming bad CGI robo crud, dying in the process but not before Penn knights up thus redeeming the guy. Again, I don't know where this part of the story came from, just roll with it, it's almost over. And even if it wasn't, the whole redemption thing seems pointless because Mordred literally feels the flames of Hell all over his body! Yes, folks, even the afterlife regards saving a life directly AND saving millions from your giant robo alien magic dragon mom “He did that ONE thing.”

The knights' decedents recites the oath...oh, and if you're wondering about that whole thing where Gunner and Penn had the wrong genealogy, not followed up on!

Yeah, it's 2017 Asylum movie, there you go with that thinking again.

I have looked up and down all over the internet, and all I can conclude from my own opinions and what I know about the studio was this HAD TO have been a vacation written off as a tax expense. Bunch of staff wanted to hang out in Thailand, new King Arthur movie due out that year, BAM, money saved by a studio who's motto is “Grandma don't know the difference.” It's all over the place, inept, poorly acted, choriographed worse than the final day of a Six Flags' stunt show, and plot hole after plot hole after plot hole.

It's one thing if all their families moved to Thailand to hide the magic...except they didn't.

It's one thing if the magic moved to Thailand, setting up New Camelot and why everybody felt like they had to be there...but it didn't.

And you'd think there'd be a bigger impact of Morgana learning from aliens, or even her BRINGING aliens as an idea...nope.

And only, ONLY THE ASYLUM can still make shooting in a place like Thailand like shooting at the park six blocks away from the studio.

If this is the end result, part of me wants to know how the vacation went.

One movie set in Bangkok,

And the story's a cluster.

The budget is $250, but the vacation's free.

One movie set in Bangkok,

And it badly shot.

Makes me wish I had some pot.

I can smell the stench of an awful plot.

FINAL VERDICT: For looking like a typical Asylum movie despite the location, for WASTING the location, for more plot holes than Swiss cheese, bad fighting, dumb dialog, this movie gets a MEGA-ATOMIC B-MOVIE BOMB! You have to TRY to be in somewhere like Thailand and still look like you filmed it before Z-Nation had to use the set. Now, if you'll excuse me, a group from Japan has stopped by Chicago and are trying to find this mystical dagger that can kill a Nobunaga that came up from Atlantis. Isn't that right?

"Oui, nous devons l'arrĂȘter avant qu'il ne se transforme en sous-marin terrestre !"

...this may take awhile...