Friday, April 12, 2019

B-Movie Bomb's Fools of April: Android Cop (Spoilers)

So, you work for the Asylum and you guys hear about the upcoming RoboCop reboot. Naturally, your studio wants to make a mockbuster to ride it's possible coat tails and make a profit! Sure, when you plan to release it, it'll be out at the same time, thus no telling if it'll even make a profit for itself, let alone if you can make one from it.

Then the other problem: Your place of employment.

But wait! You found some loose change, you have some black spray paint, football pads, a leotard, and a skinny bean poll! Bam! You have Android Cop!

Yes, when the 2014 RoboCop reboot came-a-callin', the Asylum wasn't that far behind, ready to make sure your nearsighted grandparent thinks they got the blockbuster for your birthday! And that's not just me saying it, the Asylum has actually EMBRACED that they're practices are more or less a tackier version of singing “We're in the money.” But a mockbuster does not a bad movie make, no, no, ASYLUM mockbuster does a bad movie make. With a budget of “Thank God we live in LA, most expenses went to get the guy who played the live action Spawn,” filming ambition that said “Quick, get this section done before we have to resume Z-Nation,” and the attitude that says “If we do a wink and nod to the movie, we're just like the movie,” this rust bucket had only two chances: So bad it's awful, or so bad it's a blast to mock.

So, the movie opens in LA in 2037, buildings are in ruin, buses are just sitting and gathering dust, cops are corrupt---

...I THINK it's 2037 LA...

...when our hero, Hammond (Michael Jai White) goes off the grid for some info on some activity, when it turns out it was all a trap via a chain gun for him and his partner, Dontbother Heswisschez. We then jump to sometime later as Hammond is part of an extraction team, where we find out the Big One hit, causing several power stations to go nuclear in the damage, thus dividing what's left into zones. The plan? Stop the drug kingpin in one of the zones, cut of a huge chunk of the drug trade!

Good call, nuked pot did a number on those kids from Tromaville...

Anyway, turns out they have to cut through a section that's full of radiated people that won't let 'em pass unless they make some deals, including for some Mexican Coke with real sugar! Dude, go for Japanese Pepsi, there's at least yogurt in one of those! They do get around and break into the targeted building, only to find an old radiated woman and a bunch of people ready to help move their target. Which works, as the cops fall for the old fake arm in the chair housing a gun gag! Always a classic.

A fight breaks out between the two groups and their toy gun sound effects...must've raided a closing Toys R a fist to fist fight breaks out between Hammond and some idiot that doesn't realize he's fighting Michael Jai White. After that, Hammond runs off on his own, thinking he's found the target while backup arrived...the local high school halfback!

No, it's the android cop himself (Randy Wayne), as his solution to stop this is...launching a grenade right behind Hammond and the crook! There, he saved you by damn near killing you, you should be grateful! But he's not, as this is an Asylum movie, we gotta go for future sci-fi cliché No. 24: The cop hates the new machine. So, of course, the new machine is assigned to Hammond as a partner, under the pretense of sci-fi cliché No. 45: Screw up the prototype so much because success means our jobs are done.

While all this is going on, the new cop (Named Andy) and Hammond are under watch by two crooked cops, lead by Sgt. Jones (Kadeem Hardison), worried that the new robot was sent by people trying to stop them. But there's no time to worry about that now, as Andy and Hammond get their first call, namely a jumper ready to end it a sequence that says it was filmed in two different days...I think. Yes, only the Asylum can make the same location feel like it's filmed in a different place or day.

So, Hammond gets the bright idea to talk to the guy about organ donation to avoid jumping...which naturally causes the guy to think Hammond is nuts. Andy's plan is to simply hack into his phone and the phone of the woman he's fighting with, causing the two to reunite and be happy! Don't think about the implications, just be happy, damn it!

After that, the two get a call to the mayor's for his missing daughter, Helen (Larissa Vereza), or specifically, her body as she's really in a coma, but her mind is hooked up to an android...and they can't find the android. That's a helluva thing to misplace, hate to see what happens when you lose your keys. And, no, they can't just simply wake her up as she's actually in a coma and nobody told her she was hooked up to an android.

...wait, if nobody told her she's an android, what happens when she gets hungry or has to go to the bath---


The two leave...without their sirens flashing...

Oooh, somebody didn't get the permit to do that! talk to a shady dude at a bar who's connected to the underworld. Ah, now we're to cop movie cliches! So, he tries to play bad cop, but Andy takes the good cop act too literal, saying he couldn't find anything to lock the guy up. The kicker? Hammond used ANDY as the threat. Nothing like the local high school half back with hockey gloves that got a shave to put the fear of God into ya, huh? So, he goes over what he was trying to do and once Andy realizes it was good cop/bad cop...he goes too far in the other direction AGAIN and offers to call the police on Hammond for the guy. This leads to Hammond accusing Andy to malfunction, and the two fi---uh...dosy-do around the bar and out the window...oh, c'mon, you have one of the leading action movie martial artists in your movie! The guy in the high school halfback get up can't be that hard to kick!

Well, turns out it was a set up to trace the call Hammond knew the thug was gonna make after the...fight(?) and Andy...rolls with it after making some remarks...wait, if he knew this was an act, why did he take good cop/bad call so---screw it, it's the Asylum, moving on. The thug makes the call, and off our heroes go in their police car, saying they need to go in with no sirens and lights because they didn't get the permission to do---I mean “Sneak in quietly.”

They go into where the signal was, the set of...I mean the post Apocalyptic wasteland! Yes, not the set of Z-Nation where they only have so much time to film in between seasons! While that's going on, we find out the two cops watching through Andy on a monitor are in league with the corrupt mayor (Charles S. Dutton) and the plan is to use the missing daughter('s android body) case as an excuse to have them drive so far into the set...I mean 'zone...'that our heroes would have no choice, but shoot up every gang they meet or die. AND if the gangs kill them, war were declared and the cops can wipe 'em out without problems.

...are we POSITIVE this isn't modern LA?

After exposition that comes out of no where that says the Mayor doesn't view Helen as his daughter, he then comments that the two cops are what the city needs and asks who are they, leading them to say “They're the future of law enforcement” before leaving.


They go into the zombie se---I mean semi-abandoned town, seeing various gangs eyeballing them as Andy shouts there's nothing unusual to see. I don't know, Spawn walking with the local high school halfback would have me wondering what's in the water supply. After seeing that the phone they were looking for was in a bin, they try to go back to the car call for back up when Andy can't reach HQ only for Helen to pop up and shout for 'em to stand back because somebody rigged the car to go boom.

This leads Helen to have the two come with her as the two cops watching lose Andy's vision and rig it so the gangs think they killed a gang member, thus marking them as a target. Sure enough, they get a gang full of dads (Or at least dad bodies) as the fi---I blinked, what happened? Yeah, after one shot against an ax welding dad, the gang backs off and Helen takes the heroes to her hideout.

Considering it was dads welding pipes and axes vs. two cops with guns? Yeah, no duh.

Once there, they see a woman covered in radiation sores, yet she gave birth to a normal baby thus revealing the environment isn't radioactive at all, but something is causing similar effects thus allowing property holders and such to cover it up as a way to thin out the gangs. Realizing they're screwed if they stay any longer, and Helen needs to get into protective custody, they aim to get to higher ground to get a better reception...until they're stopped by the one of the cars that ate Paris!


You're welcome, lets move on.

Actually, it's a car full of spikes and more gang members in their way. Naturally, gang war were declared on the cops and Helen, but because Andy's wearing the halfback pads of heroism, he takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' as both he and Hammond get Helen out of there and to the tallest building in the land with them...only to be stopped by an amateur motocross rider!

Now THAT I know you got!

The rider gets taken out, but the car that ate Paris makes a return, cutting off the heroes from the tower. It tries to make another, when the thug Hammond offered the stuff to in the first act shows up and stops them for the time being.

I guess somebody really need that Car that Ate Paris for their b-movie cosplay.

Must've take 'em a while because now it's night and our heroes made it into the tower, only to find it's loaded with dead bodies they have to push through to get to the top. Just as long as they don't come back to life, I've played that part of the Resident Evil franchise. The gangs show off, but Andy offers to stay and get as many as he can while Hammond protects Helen...(Sees the hockey stick in a gang member's hand) ...from the Mighty Ducks.

Eventually, Andy shoots a gang member that...for some reason...has his helmet and they all make it to the roof right after he puts it back on. In the chaos, Helen gets wounded and realizes that she's not in her regular body, but an android's. Again, if she's been in the body the whole time, what about times where she doesn't eat or questioning about not needing to go to the bath---


She comes to terms with it just as the LAPD land on the roof thanks to Andy making the call. But when the head cop comes out, Andy detects the guy's BS and knows he's up to something, so tells Hammond to take Helen and run...only for the cop to tell his partner to override the android...revealed to actually be HAMMOND!

Yes, it turns out that Hammond actually nearly died from the opening earlier, and wound up got the same thing Helen got, only he's hardwired to the LAPD, thus forcing him to get out his gun and get ready to shoot Helen. Thing is though, they underestimated his will power to resist and are having trouble with the whole “Kill girl to cover up plot” thing.

Don't you hate it when you, the dragon to the evil mastermind, has gotta recall the android over “Conscious?”

But the events actually cause Hammond to remember how he got here, along with Helen, as they were BOTH victims of the gun from the opening as she was trying to save his life. This is enough to not only override the system, but make the computer controlling him from the other side of town explode!

I'd say something about not working that way, but I think we all heard this...

Andy tries to fight the cops, but all he can do is shoot them in the armor that had the same shielding. The cops flee the building while our heroes wind up cornered by the gangs...only for the gangs to give them the car that ate Paris to drive out of the zone. This causes the corrupt cops, who are in with the mayor on the deal to clear the gangs and the poor out, to go with plan B: Unplug Helen and Hammond from their bodies! Boy, hope the hospital is in on this, other wise the nurse would think “Hey, I left them alone with that cop...”
While that's going on, Hammond concludes that the reason the people are getting sick is due to the food the Mayor and his people drop of, concluding this because of a newspaper article he saw hung at the Mayor's house. Curse politicians need to show off they did good! After saying this, the cop guarding Hammond plays with the touch screen 1996 Pacard-Bell computer screen...

Because a 2000's neon blue Apple would break the Asylum's bank.

...causing Hammond's life support to go dead, with Helen's to follow. Thus, they have to take a shortcut down the L.A. River. What? It's the future, like that thing's ever gonna get fu---huh? Anywho, the bad cops sport it, leaving Andy to try to shoot down the giant CGI ship with his air pistol! It...well, not so much works, more scares it away, when both Hammond's and Helen's robot bodies start feeling the effects of their human ones about to die.

Meh, I felt the same way when I saw Justice League, they'll be fine.

Eventually, the bad guys catch up to our heroes and, of course, the head bad cop has to get one last taunt. Problem? This is Michael Jai White, and he's in a Car that ate Paris! They go to the top of a car garage that's right next to the hospital, jump off the garage while Andy jumps off the car and lands on the bad guys' flying machine, causing it to crash and kill them all the wile Hammond and Helen land on their floor next to a previously called member of the press where she tells her story!

I'd say how awesomely stupid this was, especially for an Asylum movie, but...again, we're all thinking this!

Hammond's dies in the room but the fate of Helen's, so far, is unknown when Andy shows up to give her the b-movie all healing shot. Right after, the Mayor shows up and tries to spew that she had a DNR order and ready to pull the plug...but then the b-movie all healing shot kicked in, waking her up! Naturally, she asks why the Mayor's been doing this, causing him to freak out and shouting she should've been dead. Naturally, Andy recorded it and broadcasted it over the PA, causing the Mayor to grab a nearby gun from a cop and shoot himself in the head, causing red food coloring to go all over the walls!

It's the Asylum, corn syrup would cost extra.

We then jump to a...kinda...epilogue, revealing that Hammond's android body is now independent from his human body as his mind is downloaded into the android body. Which leads to the joke, that he says, that he's now a Human-Droidican-American that stopped living and became a mixed up zombie.

Ok, ok, I added that bit after “Human-Droidican-American,” but I'm a MST3K fan, it's the law!

They get a call and drive into the city, sirens dead silent due to that pesky “Didn't get legal permission” thing, again.

You know, I'd be happy if more Asylum movies were like this, the same amount of stupid fun you'd fine in an episode of Z-Nation or a Sharknado movie. It's well aware it's a knock off, as are most of the actors, so they just have a bit of fun with it, which means you have a bit of fun watching it. Only downside is a couple of plot holes, like if Hammond wasn't aware that he was an android this whole time, why didn't he question never getting hungry or never having the need to go to the bath---GAH, WHY IS THIS THING MAKING ME ASK THAT!? But if you can overlook those and just wanna see a some actors have some fun earning a paycheck, this thing's worth a rental.

FINAL VERDICT: For being more fun than other Asylum knock offs, this movie gets a MST3K B-MOVIE BOMB! Overall, this is just a fun little movie...unlike most of the Asylum's knock offs. Now, if you'll excuse me, this movie has me wanting to get a POLICE car that ate Paris! Can't get that pesky “Permission” thing for the siren though...meh, I got the perfect substitute!

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